Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm still alive, and flooding is awesome

Yes it's true, I'm still alive.  No, I didn't forget about this blog (for all my one reader who may or may not have been wondering), but I've been SICK SICK SICK and busy too.  Lots of work, lots of cold medication, and I just haven't felt like posting.

But I'm back!  And I have to say, although this might sound weird, I LOVE it when it rains so much that creeks overflow.  I do.  I don't know why.  But whenever I see a creek or a river flooding, I'm like "OMG THAT'S SO COOL!"

There's this creek by my house, and it's usually really boring.  It's practically stagnant, kinda lame... kinda like this:

The creek is kinda like "Meh... I'm a creek... I think.  I might just be a urine stream..."  But then we had two whole days of torrential downpours, and all the water ran down out of the mountains, and pretty much all of it ran into this one stupid little boring creek.  So now it kinda looks like this...

It totally flooded all over the freaking place, and it's currently about 1200000% wider than it was three days ago.  Approximately.

There is also a golf course near my house that usually has 3 small ponds.  It usually looks like this...

But right now it kind of looks like this...

So yeah, all the bodies of water near my house are totally roid raging right now.  Since no one has really been hurt by this (people who attempt to golf may drown...) I think it's totally freaking awesome.

So that's what's been going on around these parts.  I will probably post again in a few days.  Til then, see ya!

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